Main Features
Engine power: 3 kW.
Torque motor: 154 Nm.
Torque on the spidle: 590 Nm.
Diam. of the closing clamps: from Ø8 to Ø33.
Threading Machines A33 description
The semi-automatic threading machine A33 is a user-friendly machine, suitable for manufacturing on construction site or in workshop till diameter M30. It’s a mobile and compact unit that allows the optimisation of the production costs thank to the possibility to regrind the chasers. The small dimensions allow are an important advantage because they allow the operator a quick and practical use of the threading machine itself. The compactness of the machine was achieved by designing a mobile unit on which an R33 head and a fixed and adjustable vice are fitted. Cergil Industry Srl is a European and world leader in production of threading machines. Contact our sales office for a quote focused on your needs.

Operation Threading Machines A33
- Mobile and compact unit with a gearmotor and a transmission realized by trapezoidal belts, that activate a rotating mandrel. On the mandrel there is an automatic opening/closing head R33.
- Manual movement of the threading unit on recirculating ball sleeves.
- Self-centering and manual clamp (pneumatic in an option) with a V clamping jaw (2 V clamping jaws are an option).
- Pneumatic and automatic opening/closing threading head.
- Set-up of the threading length inside of the mandrel.
- Customized monitor 5“, that allows to set-up the rotation speed of the mandrel according to the cutting parameters, diameter and thread pitch.
- Simplified mounting and set up of the chasers.
- Resharpenable chasers.
- Automatic watering.
Strenghts of Threading Machines A33